
The following curriculum is being approved by Nepal Govt. for the monastery education.
Name of text books
Nepali class 1 to 8 My Nepali book Full mark 100 Nepalese 45 minute
English class 1 to 8 My English/Easy Learning Full mark 100 English 45 ''
Math 1 to 8 My math/ Ngahi Tsi dheb Full mark 100 Tib. up to 3 class 45 ''
Science and arts 1 to 8 My science/Ngahi Tsenrig Full mark 100 Himalayan 45 ''
Social and moral 1 to 8 My Social/ chyitsok Rigpa Full mark 100 Himalayan 45 ''
Native language/extra sub. Ritual text books up to 5 and debating 6 to 8 Full mark 100 Himalayan
45 ''
Grammar and literature only for class 6 to 8 ………………….. Full mark 100 Himalaya 45 ''
History only for class 6 to 8 …………………… Full mark 100 Himalaya 45 ''
Language Our Himalayan language Full mark 100 Himalaya 45 ''


© Karma Lekshey Ling Shedra, Post Box No.8435, Swoyambhu, Kathmandu, Nepal